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In the past, cosmetic surgery was considered primarily for female patients. Those days are over: more men are taking advantage of the benefits of aesthetic procedures to better their appearances and improve their confidence. 

attractive older man with contoured jawline


The male facelift is now one of the most popular cosmetic procedures that men are interested in, making facial rejuvenation surgery more mainstream. 

Why Are More Men Having Facelifts?

There has been a documented upswing in male plastic surgery, especially the facelift. But why? Here are a few top reasons. 

The Zoom Effect

Post-pandemic culture has placed more emphasis on the appearance of the face. With so many businesses turning towards web-based procedures, especially digital meeting rooms such as Zoom and Google Meet, more people are faced with realizing how their faces really look like to others. Men may have less pressure culturally and socially to maintain a youthful aesthetic. Still, with the increase in virtual meeting rooms, online job applications, and social networking, looking energetic and focused on a screen has become more critical. Many men turn to a facelift when they believe their reflection looks more exhausted and haggard than they actually feel. 

Excelling at Work

In the same vein, a lot of men are also realizing the benefits of looking and feeling their best when it comes to upward mobility at work. Aside from having a robust online brand that is strengthened when it is maintained well, men are becoming more interested in plastic surgery’s benefits on their confidence and feelings of empowerment. Looking your best gives you more confidence to be more assertive, more self-assured, and more likely to go for that big promotion or close that major deal.


Women aren’t the only ones who want to look their best for prospective romantic partners; men are also interested in improving their aesthetic for dating. Whether you are newly divorced and looking for a fresh start or ready to improve that one aspect of your features that has always bothered you, cosmetic surgery can help boost your self-esteem as you get back out there.

Cultural Changes

To put it plainly, society is much more receptive to men making aesthetic changes. It is much more mainstream for men to take better care of themselves without worrying about judgment or peer pushback. Additionally, cosmetic surgery as a whole, regardless of gender, is more readily accepted by society. People no longer hide their cosmetic enhancements and instead often celebrate them. This kind of acceptance makes more men feel free to undergo cosmetic surgery. 

What Is the Male Facelift?

While cosmetic procedures are now mainstream for men, receiving a natural-looking, appealing result is still important. Men and women exhibit the signs of aging similarly: sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of volume and elasticity. However, a facelift for a man is a different procedure than a woman’s. That is why finding a plastic surgeon who approaches the process with this in mind is essential. 

There are critical differences between the male and female facial anatomy. Namely, men generally have thicker skin, muscles, bones, and tissues. This changes the nature of the procedure and how the surgeon must conduct it. Additionally, men typically have different goals for results than women do. Women generally want a softer, more feminine profile with rounder contours. In contrast, most men desire that a facelift highlight the natural angular contours of the jaw, chin, and neck. 

Dr. Renato Calabria is a pioneer in male facial plastic surgery, innovating techniques specific to the anatomy and needs of male patients. His vertical facelift technique avoids the unfortunate “windswept” look that was too often characteristic of early facelift methods. 

The vertical facelift lifts the skin and underlying tissues on a vertical plane rather than a horizontal one. It’s as simple as gravity: gravity pulls men’s skin down, causing jowls and a hangdog look. Therefore, the best response is to draw a facelift more vertically, bringing up the skin for an energized appearance. Additionally, Dr. Calabria understands that some outdated methods rely on hiding incisions within the hairline. He is aware this may not be as effective for male patients with receding or thinning hair. He considers all the variables for his male patients to ensure the efficacy and longevity of the vertical facelift. 

What Are the Results of the Male Facelift?

Dr. Calabria’s male facelift patients enjoy a natural-looking yet dramatically revitalized, authentic, and transformative appearance. See for yourself with his remarkable before and after gallery.

A vertical facelift can: 

  • Tighten the skin with the natural contour without looking overdone
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases
  • Conceal scarring, with care to maintain natural facial hair pattern and receding hairlines

Dr. Calabria’s unique, individualized approach provides natural-looking, but fantastic results for his male patients.

Would You Like to Learn More About Male Facelifts?

If you want to learn more about male facelift surgery, call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Calabria. You can reach our Beverly Hills office at (310) 777-0069, Rancho Mirage office at (760) 836-0077, or Italy office at +39.349.4662323.